Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), Alpha Beta Kappa Chapter


Dustin Abshire
(302) 857-1103

Stacey Hoffer

Kieran Mohammed

(302) 857-1710

Why You Should Join

  • To be recognized for your outstanding academic achievements and scholarship
  • To be given opportunities for the development of leadership and service
  • To be exposed to an intellectual climate for the exchange of ideas
  • To stimulate your interest in continuing academic pursuits

Who Can Join?

  • Members must be enrolled in an associate degree program and have completed 12 college-level credits
  • Members must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 for induction and then maintain a 3.25 to remain a member in good standing
  • Full and part-time students are eligible
  • Provisional members (students who do not meet the above requirements) are welcome to join in PTK events and meetings